
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Future Geopolitical Role of Canada :: Economy

The approaching Geopolitical Role of Canada Canada is presently sitting in an economic catastrophe, ourunemployment is high, achievement low, and our deficit is increasing at arapid pace. We are cardinal of the few first world countries, and we need tostrengthen our economy. Once we twine our economy, our geopolitical role bequeath increase. Geopolitics is defined as the study of a two-wayrelationship between political beliefs and actions on one gradient and any ofthe usual concerns of geography on the other. As we move into the future,our geopolitical role may be broken down into some(prenominal) groups. As we cantackle the burden alone, we must join forces, and increase our geopoliticalrole. As we administer towards the future, the concept of performing locally hasslowly dissipated, and acting globally has emerged distinctly. One wordconstantly encountered in any finis about the 1990s is global.(Toronto Star, 09/11/89) We must all work unneurotic by shatterin g the tradeboundaries, and acting as one. Currently, we are eyesight concrete stepsforward, as Mexico, United States and Canada are almost end thesigning of NAFTA ( mating American Free Trade Agreement). With this tradeagreement, all threesome countries (Mexico, United States, and Canada) testamentvirtually get under ones skin one of the best trading partners in the world. With thevast differences that exist in the demographics, all three countries willfind that trading with each other will bring great economic reform.Canadian and American capital, technology, and management expertise, willcreate many jobs for everyone, hence raising the standard of living. TheCanadians speciality in financial services, software, and standwill have wondrous impact on Mexico. With the Americans and Canadianshelp in vitalizing Mexico, l strongly believe we will all become one singlecountry in the future. Since the United States is the strongest of allthree, the impudent country will be named the United States of North America.Becasue the United States is currently the biggest and only superpower ofthe world, the addition of Canada (vast resources and open land), andMexico (substantial labour power), the United States of North America willbe one of the largest dominating forces in the world. However, this willnot be used against the other countries unjustly, but harmoniously.Moreover, we will not be the only countries of present day to join together,as many countries around the globe will do the same. This will help userupt out of our boundaries and help all nations of the world.

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